About Us
Become a Citizen Advocate
Citizen Advocacy is unlike any other Disability Advocacy Service …
It is based on forming long term one to one relationships of support
Citizen Advocates are independent. They will do what they think is best for the person and not necessarily what they are asked or told to do
Citizen Advocates are not paid, reimbursed or compensated in any way
All new Citizen Advocates are thoroughly prepared for their roles before they are introduced to the person with disability they will be involved with.
Orientation is generally conducted over three one hour sessions prior to being matched but the development, education and support of advocates is ongoing.
Following matching with a suitable advocate to the protégé the Citizen Advocacy office Coordinators offer ongoing follow along and support to each relationship.
Citizen Advocates respond to issues as they arise without being selective and seek out solutions without conflict of interest or impartiality.
In many instances they become ‘family’ to the Protégé, the one person in the Protégé’s corner who is not paid to be there!
The advocate offers protection and safeguards that are most appropriate for their Protégé.
Ready to make a difference as an advocate? Take the first step by filling out the form here.

Our Success Stories...
Andrew was non-verbal, living in an institution and rarely saw the outside world. Trevor committed to taking Andrew for regular drives, stopping for ice cream or coffee. Trevor continually spoke to Andrew as if he would answer, and with the expectation that he would.
Then one day he did!
The conversations continue…
Trevor continues his advocacy role in obtaining better housing options, and greater independence for Andrew with his support needs.
Trevor has undertaken Guardianship for Andrew.
Tracy was in her early fifties and living in a nursing home. Her only daily activity was sorting buttons over and over. She was non-verbal and not able to walk. Weakness in her hands meant that she needed assistance at meal times, but staff were often too busy for her.
Her advocates regularly took her to a local coffee shop where she enjoyed interactions with the local ‘regulars’.
Eventually the advocates were able to find purpose built accommodation for Tracy to live with other people of her age in similar circumstances. Tracy interacts with a greater number of people in her life and enjoys a greater variety of activities. Her advocates were instrumental in setting up continued safeguards around her mother’s death, ensuring that she has very good supports that understand Tracy’s wishes.
Richard lives in a private rental with his partner and daughter. In the current market rent rises were going to force all three into homelessness. Simon, Richard’s advocate, intervened by negotiating with the landlord repairs to the house in exchange of no rent increase to the occupants.
Simon is also seeking a sustainable NDIS plan and additional supports for Richard which will include education around longer term financial management.