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Why We Are Here

of adults with disability have experienced violence after the age of 15 1

of Australian women with intellectual disability have been sexually abused 2
About 60%
of people with intellectual disability have problems with their behaviour due to communication, loneliness and isolation 3

Virtually every Australian with a disability encounters human rights violations. Many experience it every day of their lives 4
1. ABS Census Report 2012, Released 30/6/2014
2. Australian Law Reform (ALRC) (2010) Family Violence – A National Legal Response. ALRC Final Report 114. Accessed online January 2013 at
3. Queensland University of Technology Gilmore, Linda & Cuskelly, Monica (2014) Vulnerability to loneliness in people with intellectual disability: An explanatory model. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 11(3), pp. 192-199
4. Shut Out Report 2009, Commonwealth of Australia
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